Saturday, 28 September 2013


This Sunday Peter and I went to Maraeitai Beach. It only takes thirty five minutes to get to it from our house so not far from Auckland. There was a lovely jetty which made a feature of the beach.

I liked the clearness of this photo and the maori guy sitting there to add to the picture.

While we were there these young kids were coming in from their sailing.

As we were driving we came across these beautiful old wooden stumps just sitting in the paddock. Not sure if they were Pohutakawa but aren't they huge.

Thursday, 26 September 2013


It was lovely to meet my new granddaughter for the first time. I took my close up lens with me and was happy with the shots I took. Sometimes the shots especially the ones of the three of them were taken in about a minute as we were going out.

This is the first photo of Olivia in a pretty little white tutu.

I loved this shot. It shows the love of a mother.

A very proud dad despite the sleepness nights. Am proud of him.


Another interesting place I went to in Perth with Jacky was an old salvage yard that had heaps of interesting old pieces that were all rusted and made interesting photographic shots


I know my sister has already posted photos of the jetty but it was interesting to see the difference in the color coming from our cameras. It was fun taking these shots. The weather was wild and as Jacky and I were trying to take photos I could hardly see as the wind was blowing my hair over my face and it was hard to keep camera steady. But we had a lot of fun and had to change our clothes as we were drenched. Had to go have coffee to recuperate. Thanks again sis for a memorable few days.

This is a photo of what it was like in the past. It didn't give a date.

This was also a photo I got off the net to show how it looked on a calm day.