This very unusual flower was taken yesterday at the conversatory in the Domain. It stood very proud in the entrance. I love the detail and patterns. I think it is part of the carnivorous family and I overheard someone say that the bugs fall into the flower and then die but not sure if this is the flower they were talking about. These photos aren't enhanced afterwards but sometimes I find it hard to get the lighting right. I am also having trouble seeing through my viewfinder and have to work out on my computer and to change the focus from the screen to the eye piece. |
It is an interesting flower Paddy. It is pretty much impossible to take creative photo's when there are a lot of people around. we tend to try and take it quickly, creativity takes time and patience and usually a lot of shots of the one thing, then you might be lucky to find one that is what you are seeing with your eye. The camera doesn't always capture what you are seeing. Lighting is hard also when you are outside, what ISO do you use for outside on a bright sunny day, I use 100 mostly. I don't have a viewfinder on my camera and on a bright sunny day outside I can't see my screen either so it is pretty much hit and miss when the sun is hitting the screen. It is also extremely hard taking photo's, holding your position for the necessary time when you are in pain so don't be so hard on yourself and just enjoy what you are seeing.