Sunday, 6 October 2013


Once a month they have a lovely crafts market at Coatesville. One of the stall holders had her displays hung across a tree. She said that corset fits her. She was tiny.

Peter was happy to find this fruit bread. There was a local French bakery that made it but they closed down.

This shop is only a few months old. The shop used to be a garage as you can see by the roller doors. They have lovely things including animal antlers. One of the large antlers was so heavy, the deer must have found it hard carrying a   pair of them around.

Peter and I thought this style of building would make a nice home in the country. The beautiful antler chandelier in the background is for sale for about $2700.

These rustic animals were for sale about the same price.

This guy was at the markets as well.


  1. this looks a great place, love the rustic animals.

  2. You and Peter are right the old garage would make a lovely home, keep your eye out, and think outside the box, they always look better inside. Lovely market and a lovely shop. Where is Coatsville Paddy? Love the corsets hanging on the line, would look nice hanging on a cupboard too.

  3. Thanks for comments. Coatesville is in the country near Albany on the north shore although we went out west to get there.
