Saturday, 30 November 2013


In the corner of my garden I have two nice french looking shelves. I did try to grow little buxus trees but it was too hot so thought it would make an ideal spot for my succulents and cacti as they like the heat.

Peter and I stumbled across a nursery specialising in cacti and succulents and brought these plants. I love the color and the texture of this one.

I didn't think I would like cacti but just lately have grown to like them. This one has a beautiful pattern on it.

Sharon this is the Gardenia we brought with your money to remind us of your visit. Couldn't get a bigger one and haven't potted yet. Thanks sis.

This was the succulent Peter and I liked the most. We brought one for our friend Viv for a xmas present.


  1. you have a collection i love them as easy to look after

  2. nice lot of the cactus, not easy for me too look after mine, they died.
